From Xanga to Blogspot!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Chicken pox is no joke!

Finally, decided to revive my blog.
Let me share what's going on in my life for this year.

I had chicken pox 2 weeks ago and it was a hell terrible experience especially at my age.

Having fever several times a day, no appetite and red bumps kept popping on my body and face.
Thank to anti-viral medicine which everything went under control within two days except for bumps which already appeared before the medication.

Seriously, people should get the vaccine for chicken pox if you haven't had one. Or else, going through such a horrible experience and to stay home for over a week (for my case, considered mild) was really bored. Plus, I was told that no bathing in normal/cold water unless it's herbal type to sooth body itchiness. With the usual advice on diet, not allowed to consume seafood, chicken (including egg) and dark sauce which can cause skin irritation or in worst scenario to have yellowish pus during that "crucial" period.

All the red spots on my face on day 2 and day 3, sad but no choice...

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Cooked my own baby porridge, li hai bah!

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I was really glad that everything went smooth and recover well on day 7 :-)

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From my colleagues :-) Big thank you!

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 xoxo, sonia~

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