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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

RCT (root canal treatment)

I'm having antibiotics (metronidazole and amoxy) for my molar problem since saturday.
I have googled about these 2 antibiotics and realised that metron may cause drowsiness or change vision which i'm having this right now.

Actually, I am on medical leave today but still came to work(im supa hardworking girl). Thanks to dentist Yip(from another dental clinic) who has removed my nerves in my molar roots yesterday and bye bye to pain. Just in case if you are wondering what's wrong with me. I had molar pain which required RCT(root canal treatment).
Previously,, this molar had given me problem but was somehow cured by filling it with medicine in Jan'10. As for now, my nerves in my molar are dead and they have to be removed to spare me from the ongoing extreme pain. I couldn't eat and sleep well. My previous prescribed painkillers like ponstan and panadol are not working at all. Now, I have another stronger painkiller naproxen but thanks god, I do not need it at the moment after nerve removal.

To my understanding, these dead nerves will release gases and cause the pain in the tooth. So example, if I consume hot or warm beverage/food, these gases will expand and create the pain pressure in my tooth. On the other hand, if I consumer cold beverage/food, these gases will contract and relieve the pain. It's impossible to put an ice on the tooth for 24hrs right? This unbearable pain will be there forever until all 3 nerves have been removed. (which i already did yesterday)

Once these dead nerves are extracted, that tooth will no longer be sensitive to hot/cold or sweet thing anymore. Sounds great to me because this molar has been giving me problems for long time.
Therefore, I will need to go find Dr Toh to do RCT(2nd step) and crown(final step) for my molar which are quite costly. (look on the bright side, simply glad to save my poor molar)

RCT video below.

Anyway, anesthetic was injected during the nerve removal procedure and my left jaws, lips, tongue were numb. I couldn't rinse my mouth properly because I couldn't feel my left lips. Plus, my lower jaws felt like rubber and my tongue like a piece of tender meat. Yes, it's really so funny -_-

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